
EDA Services



Our advocacy efforts focus on promoting policies and programs that ensure equitable access to resources and opportunities for wealth creation. We collaborate with communities, stakeholders, and policymakers to address barriers such as discriminatory practices, limited access to capital, and opportunity hoarding. We build relationships, raise public awareness, and work towards systemic changes that facilitate generational wealth building.



We believe in fostering community engagement that empowers individuals, develops leadership, and promotes capacity building in underserved areas. Our engagement initiatives encourage active participation in community development and decision-making processes. We establish partnerships with financial institutions and wealth advisors to offer pro bono services and customized advice, helping individuals navigate the complexities of wealth building. We also create platforms for intergenerational dialogue and mentorship, facilitating the transfer of financial knowledge and skills.



Research is a fundamental component of our work. We conduct comprehensive studies on the root causes of wealth inequality, specifically addressing the challenges faced by marginalized communities. Through collaborations with academic institutions, research organizations, and think tanks, we gather data and analyze socioeconomic factors that contribute to or hinder generational wealth building. Our research informs evidence-based strategies and supports our advocacy efforts.


Capacity Development Priorities

Capacity development is a key focus for us. We collaborate with stakeholders on various initiatives to build capacity and resources in underserved communities. Our priorities include capacity building for nonprofit organizations and BIPOC businesses, establishing community resource centers, supporting real estate development, and enhancing regional workforce and economic development centers. These efforts aim to strengthen community infrastructure, improve access to resources, and foster economic growth.

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